I think the Universe is Alive, and Life as we know it is its creation.

I think the Universe is Alive, and Life as we know it is its creation.

Here is the blog post in writing:

I think the Universe is alive, and life as we know it is its creation. For whatever reason. And the Universe is trying to find other Universes, but it’s actually through us deciding what the future will be that the Universe actually changes and becomes other Universes.

Because your actions change the Universe.

So we are the Universe transforming itself into what we want it to be.

So if you really want it to, the Universe wills itself into the shape of your desires so that you can get what you want, because what you want is what it wants.

The Universe is like, “Great what’d you learn? Lets do it! Let’s become that! I didn’t even know we could do that here.”

And species talking to themselves is how the Universe learns off itself.

It’s like we’re just a bunch of neurons in a brain, and communication is how we exchange new information. But for whatever reason, this brain (you, Planet Earth and our solar system) are REALLY far from the other neurons. As far as we know, space is really big and empty and there might be no one else near us for BILLIONS and BILLIONS of kilometers.

But that might actually not be the case. It might just be that we don’t see stuff that’s actually there in the dark of the Universe.

Because we never adapted to see it, because we’ve only ever adapted for living on Earth. I’ll continue tomorrow.


  1. That what you desire is near you. All you need to do is want it

  2. I have trouble convincing myself this is not true. Had that problem since I was very young. More plausible than anything I have been told, every time I look for proof I am wrong, I find more proof that I may be onto something, including your post. Although we could all be highly delusional, hard to say. Consider the self-organization principle and the number of humans on the earth at this time and I believe our next step is to “self-organize” as part of the growth of whatever system we may be a part of.

    1. That’s pretty much exactly how I feel too. The self organizing system is us, and we’re about to self organize. There’s nothing left to do but to let that happen.

  3. Improvisation nation · · Reply

    Absolutely amazing blog!!

    1. Thank you so much. You’re absolutely amazing 🙂

  4. […] I think the Universe is Alive, and Life as we know it is its creation.. […]

  5. Very interesting! Can actually see how that can be.

  6. Thanks so much for following sciencesprings. I appreciate it very much.

  7. Excellent! I am in awe. Very thought provoking.

    1. Thanks for the love 🙂

      1. You are welcome.

  8. Thank you so much for following me, how kind of you and I believe you have wonderful blog. I will have to be later to read more.
    Have a wonderful week

  9. My sentiments exactly 😉

    I’d be curious to hear what my poem brings up for you http://soulgate.blogspot.com.au/2009/07/in-beginning_01.html


    Avatara (.a.k.a. Lilyana)

  10. And here’s another one that was kind of fun to write. I just want to share with you, whether you post on your comments or not. Love the fact there are fellow thinkers here. Love it! And can’t wait to read your book. Oh, and btw, this stuff also started coming to me – I didn’t “intellectually” come up with it. Although I like to make the “science point” as well. Science and spirituality are the same thing. Anyhow, here it is. A sort of a sequel to the “I have a message”. 🙂 http://verakasi.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/masaru-emoto-water-experiment/

  11. Love love love this. Glad you found me so that I could find you. We are on the same page 100%. So much so, that it would be fantastic to meet/talk one day. We shall see. 🙂

    Here’s my blog entry that resonates to what you’re saying here: http://verakasi.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/i-have-a-message/

  12. Tara-Erin · · Reply

    Thanks for following my blog. Your follow led me here, and I’m delighted! First of all – I love your avatar – did you create the art yourself? I am completely inspired. And this post reminds me of my first love of science fiction: you’ve read the Foundation series by Asimov? If not…I highly recommend it!

  13. Wonderful post. I especially will keep this line in mind today: “Because your actions change the Universe.” I try to be mindful, but am not always successful.

  14. […] 28 I think the Universe is alive, and life as we know it is its creation. For whatever reason. And the Universe is trying to find other Universes, but it’s actually through us deciding what the future will be that the Universe actually changes and becomes other Universes. Because your actions change the Universe. So we are the Universe transforming itself into what we want it to be. So if you really want it to, the Universe wills itself into the shape of your desires so that you can get what you want, because what you want is what it wants. The Universe is like, “Great what’d you learn? Let’s do it! Let’s become that! I didn’t even know we could do that here. And species talking to themselves is how the Universe learns off itself. It’s like we’re just a bunch of neurons in a brain, and communication is how we exchange new information. But for whatever reason, this brain (you, Planet Earth and our solar system) are REALLY far from the other neurons. As far as we know, space is really big and empty and there might be no one else near us for BILLIONS and BILLIONS of kilometres. But that might actually not be the case. It might just be that we don’t see stuff that’s actually there in the dark of the Universe. Because we never adapted to see it, because we’ve only ever adapted for living on Earth https://thetruthyoualwaysknew.wordpress.com/2013/04/09/i-think-the-universe-is-alive-and-life-as-we-k… […]

  15. Brilliant!

  16. Well written. Humanity initiates the cause and effect interactions that influence all dimensions. As such, we need clarity regarding our responsibility to each other and Creation.

  17. The concepts here are so far extended that it is hard to imagine the consequences. However, we are reaching for them with intelligent thought rather than just a ‘faith’ in the unknown, given with a non-inspection dictate that most religions demand.Clearly our consciousness has ample room to expand, either towards the vastness of space, or the infinitude of sub-molecular structures.

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